Jiangsu Huafilter Hydraulic Industry Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu Huafilter Hydraulic Industry Co., Ltd.

Pistoi axialeko ponpa aldakorra

Huafilter deals the export of Huade brand axial piston variable pump. As the approved distributor of Haude hydraulic, we provide customers with hydraulic components with excellent performance. Huade brand axial piston variable displacement pump is a hydraulic component with excellent performance and wide application. The factory has cooperated with Rexroth for two long terms. And after more than 40 years development, its axial piston variable pumps become a considering alternatives of Rexroth.

The characteristic of variable displacement pump is that its displacement can be adjusted, usually by adjusting the inclination angle of the swash plate or the eccentric distance of the rotor core to change the volume of the oil in the pump chamber, thereby achieving the effect of adjusting the flow rate. At the same time, due to its compact structure, a large power conversion can be completed in a small space.

Huade brand axial piston variable pump is widely used in mechanical engineering, power engineering, petrochemical engineering, salt chemical industry, metallurgical engineering, rail transportation, water conservancy engineering and other fields due to its high pressure, high flow and high precision. Specifically, it is commonly used in presses, injection molding machines, hydraulic machine tools and other equipment in industrial machinery, as well as various hydraulic systems in ships, railways, and automation equipment.

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Pistoi axialeko ponpa aldakorra A11VLO

Pistoi axialeko ponpa aldakorra A11VLO

Huafilter-ek batez ere Huade markako pistoi axialeko ponpa aldakorra A11VLO hornitzen du. Huade Hydraulic-en banatzaile homologatu gisa, salmenta osteko zerbitzu ona eskaintzen dugu laguntza tekniko puntualarekin. Urtebetez saldu dugun produktuaren kalitatea bermatzen dugu. Huade-k ekoitzitako A11VLO pistoi aldakorreko ponpa aldakorrak Rexroth-en serie bera ordezkatu dezake batez ere epe luzeko lankidetzari esker.
Pistoi axialeko ponpa aldakorra A11VO

Pistoi axialeko ponpa aldakorra A11VO

Huafilter Huade Hydraulic-en banatzaile homologatua da, Huade markako pistoi axial ponpa aldakorra A11VO hornitzen duena. Huade Hydraulic Txinako industria hidraulikoko fabrikatzaile liderra da. Urte askotako esperientzia du osagai hidraulikoak fabrikatzen eta Rexroth-en teknologia aurreratua sartu du. A11VO ponpak Rexroth produktuen serie bera ordezkatu dezake prezio baxuagoarekin.
Txinan Pistoi axialeko ponpa aldakorra fabrikatzaile eta hornitzaile profesional gisa, fabrika fidagarria da handizkako produktuak eskaintzeko. Kalitate handiko eta iraunkorra Pistoi axialeko ponpa aldakorra prezio baxuarekin erostea interesatzen bazaizu, utzi mezu bat web-orrian ematen den harremanetarako informazioa erabiliz.
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