As the approved distributor of Huade Hydraulic, Huafilter mainly suppiles Huade brand axial piston fixed pump. Huade Hydraulic introduced Rexroth’s technology due to two long-term cooperation. Huade’s axial piston fixed pump has high performance with low price. It is a reliable brand in China. As an affordable alternative to Rexroth, the quality of Huade’s products is trustworthy.
The axial piston fixed pump is a positive displacement hydraulic element that achieves the suction and discharge of liquid through the reciprocating motion of the plunger in the cylinder. This pump usually adopts a swash plate design, which makes the movement of the plunger in the cylinder body smoother. The service life of the plunger pump under rated conditions is very long.
Huade’s axial piston fixed pumps are widely used in various industrial equipment and systems due to their simple structure, small size, high efficiency and low noise, such as forging, metallurgy, engineering, mining, shipbuilding and other machinery and other hydraulic transmission systems. In addition, they are also widely used in the oil and gas industry, manufacturing and industrial machinery, power generation, mining equipment, aerospace and other fields. Huade Hydraulic has extensive cooperation with leading enterprises in the coal machinery industry, providing overall technical solutions including hydraulic pumps, position motors.
Huafilter-ek batez ere Huade markako pistoi axial ponpa/motor A2F hornitzen du. Huade-ren ponpa/motor A2F oso erabilia da eraikuntza-makinetan tamaina txikiagoko eta pisu arinagoa duten ezaugarriekin. Eragiketa fidagarriak eta kalitate egonkorrak bezero askoren konfiantza irabazi dute. Huade Hydraulic-en banatzaile homologatu gisa, laguntza tekniko puntuala eta pistoi axial-ponpa finko errentagarriak eskaintzen ditugu.
Huafilter-ek Huade markako pistoi axialaren A2FO ponpa finkoaren esportazioa egiten du Txinan hainbat urtez. Huade Hidraulikoaren banatzaile homologatua gara. Huade Hydraulic-ek Rexroth-en teknologia aurkeztu du Rexroth-ekin epe luzeko lankidetza dela eta. Huade Txinako industria hidraulikoko fabrikatzaile nagusia da. Huade-ren A2FO ponpak Rexroth-ek eskaintzen duen mota bera ordezkatu dezake.
Txinan Pistoi axialeko ponpa finkoa fabrikatzaile eta hornitzaile profesional gisa, fabrika fidagarria da handizkako produktuak eskaintzeko. Kalitate handiko eta iraunkorra Pistoi axialeko ponpa finkoa prezio baxuarekin erostea interesatzen bazaizu, utzi mezu bat web-orrian ematen den harremanetarako informazioa erabiliz.
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